Category: Business

Attack from “Region”: demand from Ziyavudin Magomedov 3,3 billion rubles

The court ruled to recover 3.3 billion rubles of debt from Fesco in favor of the investment company Region. The investment company has been linked to Rosneft The Far Eastern Shipping Company (Fesco head structure) is to pay 3.3 billion rubles to Algorithminvest, the Arbitration Court of Moscow decided on July 2. In this case

“I am catastrophically short of money”. Sergey Galitsky’s business rules

The Magnit founder on dirty floors in stores, competition and why he is not going to save the world, but is ready to build a school in Krasnodar Last year the Russian edition of Forbes included Sergei Galitsky #32 in its list of the most influential Russians of the century. There’s a reason for that.

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